Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bray- Bré, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Bray or Bré as it is in Irish. Is a coastal town south of Dalkey. Suzy, Olivia, and I had our first adventure there. The big hill or mountain? is called Bray Head. It was an amazing view!

On one of the paths there were the ruins of a stone house. It really might not have been old enough to call “ruins”, but it was in ruins.

Oh, I need to take a break... ;)
The way to the top of Bray Head was extremely muddy. Not a lot of pictures for that part of the trip, although they would have been rather interesting.

Charlie, we're going to Candy Mtn!
It's full of joy and j
On the hill there were two horse just grazing where ever they pleased. They could have just walked into town. We tryed to get them to go to Candy Mountain with us. But they weren’t biting.

Photos of us simply being silly.
(R-L Olivia, Suzy, and Me Mary)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What happens to Dublin when it snows?

It shuts down. The day we, being the big group of American Yanks, arrived Ireland was hit with the worst snow storm they’ve had since 1964! It was hilarious. Now on average, Ireland’s lowest temperature of the winter is 35-40° F. Snow is not some thing they are accustomed to. In three days Dublin used as much salt and grit as they would have used in a whole year. It was rather “slippy” out, as the locals would say. hehe :)

Young bride having her photos taken in the snow. I'm not sure if that was planned all along...